Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults. We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Revelation
Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

(Drive-Up Meals & Pantry Available!

Our Fight Song - by Bryan Johnston

     I love cheering for my favorite sports team.  In high school it was our home town Culbertson Cowboys and Cowgirls, in college it was my alma mater the York College Panthers, and currently it is the Oklahoma City Thunder NBA Team.  In high school, I loved going to our girls’ basketball tournaments.  Our fan base would get pumped up about cheering our team on to victory.  One of our favorite cheers would be a call and response cheer.  Our side would start by yelling out, “We’ve got spirit, yes, we do!  We’ve got spirit, how about you?”  The opposing fans would join in by yelling back even louder, “We’ve got spirit, yes, we do! We’ve got spirit, how about you?” We would yell back our reply even louder and the cheer would go back and forth until one side gives up.  Usually, because of our exuberant school spirit, we would win the contest and conclude the cheer by shouting, “We’ve got more! We’ve got more! We’ve got more!”  We were passionate about our identity with our school team.  We were full of praise and promise for our team’s glory and victory.  We were filled with power and pride through the unity we shared in our comradery.
    Through Christ all heaven and earth have been united into one.  This is the reality that gave the apostle Paul the greatest joy and confidence to praise God.  Paul’s praise was informed by his identity as a child of God and his unity together with all believers and heavenly beings alike.  We are united through the redemption and by the riches of God’s grace through Christ Jesus. 

    This is our story.  This is our fight song.  Praising our Savior all the day long.  Let us chant victory in Jesus as we are united together in love.  Let us be filled with joy as we chant “We’ve got Spirt Yes We Do!”  Let our worldview be informed by our identity as a child of God.  Let us lift our praise with all the heavenly host, to the glory of God the Father.  Let us praise the Lord all day long, because in the Lord “We’ve got more! We’ve got more! We’ve got more!” 
--Bryan Johnston (originally written 6.24.18)



     FREE MEAL EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 6 PM! We call it "Agape Night" (an old word for a deep abiding Love, like parent to child) and its a gathering held at our church building. There are no requirements to meet other than being hungry or in need of companionship or perhaps some food. Show up at about 6 PM, we'll serve BBQ hamburgers, hotdogs and the like (through the summer) and then other indoor meals as the weather grows colder. Our Food Pantry is open from 6-7 PM Wednesdays in case you need some food for home.


     AFTER the meal there will be short devotional gathering and some singing. Please feel free to stay as long (or little) as your time permits. We also open our Food Pantry from  6:00-7:30 each Wednesday night for those who need staple take-home food and related supplies. This will be a weekly event for the forseeable future, so please join us. Again, our address is 2761 Broadway, North Bend OR. Our phone number is 541-756-4844 and email is nbcoc@hotmail.com - you can also just click "CONTACT US" at the top of this page.

I AM BLESSED - by Bryan Johnston


Quoting Matthew 7:7-12...
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you."
I am blessed to be called to be your preacher. Thank you for entrusting me with the blessing of going to God’s word each week to hear a word from the Lord. I pray that I will be hearing it on your behalf. I pray that God will then lead me to come before you each Sunday for you to hear and obey his word. I am growing in my confidence as a proclaimer of the good news to you. Know that I love you and that as one coming from you that I strive to lead you on the journey and discovery of what God  would have us to do as the body of Christ serving together in this congregation and in this community. I strive to connect your stories to the Church of Christ transforming power of the gospel of Jesus. I pray for the work of the Holy Spirit to move and to act, leading us all to become more like Jesus.
CLICK "READ MORE" below for the rest of the story

Bryan's Mother's Day Letter to his Mom...

Bryan's Mother's Day Letter to his Mom...

What has your Mom meant to you in your life? I pray every mom will be blessed and encouraged today for the love, care, and nurture they have given. I share this blessing I wrote to my mother with you this morning.

     "Thank you, Mom, for being strong and beautiful. You have always encouraged me and have always believed in me. You provided strength and support for every goal that I pursued. You are a strong foundation and a soft place to land. You created a home that served as a refuge and a retreat from the pressures of the world, both inside and out. Our home was a house of rest and refueling. The core of your heart for God was the pillar of our lives. Your love for the Lord was expressed in your every act of service and sacrifice. Your love for others was a model of true living. Your compassion for the marginalized and the outcast was a testimony of your faith in Christ. You embodied the gospel in your manifestation of the Holy Spirit. You built three sons into disciples of Jesus. You led us in prayer and in living out the truth. You devoted your life to the body of Christ and you prioritized your life around the life of the church. You endured hardship and loss, but you persevered with the Lord by your side


Click "READ More..." for the rest of the story

2,000,000th visitor!

2,000,000th visitor!

      I had been watching our website visitor counter (bottom right corner of the page)for some while when I noticed our FOUR MILLIONTH had made their appearance. Well, I've been busy with a lot of things lately, and that visitor came and went, along with 209,429 others! And that does not even count repeat visitors or the many visitors that came and went before I installed this current website program (PHP-Fusion). The point is, our website DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and if you would like to become more of an active member in the site's operation, please contact me either at the Sunday morning worship or by clicking "CONTACT US" at the top of the page.   --Mark R. Magill, webmaster.

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