Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults. We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Revelation
Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

(Drive-Up Meals & Pantry Available!

"We All Have Dragons To Fight" - by Joe Maxwell - (2-17-19)


       Today, we ate out for lunch. We noticed that our waitress was tense, occupied and tired. When we paid our bill, we come in how tired she looked. Her reply was that she had worked 11 hours at her first job before coming to the restaurant. She was a single mother with three kids. I gave a good tip but she turned down the extra, " things will get better."
       I do not know her story, so many women are abandoned by their husbands, and they must rear their children alone. Also, mother seldom any advanced education or skills. Our members have their own problems to face: Unemployment, wayward children, illness, loss of spouse. These are real struggles! In James V: 13-16 we see that we are to confess our sins to each other. I strongly feel that we also should confess the problems we face and ass suggestions on solving along with praying together. Pick the right persons though.
I love you -- Joe



*AGAPE NIGHT IS BACK! (Free Meals) Every Wednesday night at 6:00 PM TOTALLY FREE MEALS are served to all comers. A short devotional/worship service follows the meal for those who would like to attend. ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE! It doesn't matter if you're a member of this church or any at all - this is simply a time of food, fellowship (visiting/making new friends) and there are absolutely NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Our Food Pantry is also open the same night for those who need food at home - we'll do our best to help you. We hope to see you soon - please spread the word.


*"Agape" is an ancient word meaning "love" such as the kind a parent would have for their child.

Shaped In The Image of God - by Bryan Johnston

Shaped In The Image of God - by Bryan Johnston

     Everything in the universe is created in the shape of God. Every biological and cosmological element exists in relationship to God and others. It is a great mystery how God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit live in communal relationship with one another. Life and all of creation has been given, leaving no one being in charge since God is in trinity - God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Everything is to be in community and in service one to another. The appearing of God in the flesh in the life of Jesus changes our view of the world. God is not an old man in the sky waiting to bring about wrath on all of creation. As seen in Jesus, sin and death have been defeated. God is loving and gives grace, forgiveness, and life. The gift of the Holy Spirit indwelling changes our view of life with God. God is alive in us, in relationship with us, and for us to be in relationship with God and others. God is for us, for us to be for others, in community. There is power in the mystery of the relationship we share with God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the church.

     The good news is that everything and everyone belongs to this community. God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness." (Gen. 1:26) By faith, believe in God as creator and king over all creation. By confession, declare Jesus as Lord and Savior over all creation. Through baptism, receive the Holy Spirit as God in us as counselor and friend. Through salvation, be forgiven by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Through church, live as God's image bearer in relationship with, to, and for others. Through service, be on mission to share in the ministry of God led by the Holy Spirit to make God known and reconciling all the world to God through Jesus.

     If you would like to know more about belonging to Christ and the Lord's church, please talk with myself or one of our elders. We are blessed to have you with us today.

Disciples Serving In Love

Disciples Serving In Love

Welcome to our fellowship of believers who gather together each first day of the week to pray - talking to God through words of praise, thanksgiving, confession, and requests, to share in God's word - the reading and teaching of the Bible, to break bread - giving thanks to the Lord for his great sacrifice through the eating bread and drinking juice, and to fellowship - the sharing of our life in Christ one with another and meeting one another's needs. Know that if you are in Christ you are a dear daughter or son of God. You were created in the image of God, which puts you into a community with God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and body of Christ - the church.


As John came preparing the way for the coming of Christ through a baptism of repentance, are you prepared for the return of Christ? Is your life turned toward Jesus? Are you living in response to the life, death, burial, resurrection, and reigning life of Jesus? Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? Are you living by the Spirit having your sins forgiven and living in obedience to Christ? We would love to know more about each one's life, faith in Christ, and involvement with the church.


If you are visiting or are interested in learning more about the Lord and the church or would like to become an active member of the church here, please fill out an information card and place it in the collection plate during the offering. Please talk with one of our elders or myself, we would love to know you and your journey with Christ as well as share our life in Christ with you as well.


If you are a member here, we prayerfully urge you to grow as a disciple of Christ by actively participating in Sunday Morning Bible Class and Sunday Evening Life Groups. We would love to nurture each one in his or her walk with Christ and life in the church. Please talk with one of our elders or myself, we would love to plug you in to a Life Group and help you grow as a 

follower of Jesus Bryan Johnston  

The Journey - by Bryan Johnston

The Journey - by Bryan Johnston

The Journey

Thank you for choosing to join us this morning along your journey of life. It is great to have travelling companions as we follow in the steps of Jesus. Look around and notice all the beautiful children of God created to reflect God's image. Take time to rejoice with all the believers who have faith in Jesus. Count it all joy those with whom we call our church family.

Randy Harris writes in his book Life Work, "Sometimes in our theology we have tended to emphasize the destination as if the trip didn't matter. But most of the Bible is not about the destination, it's about the trip. This business of peace is not about so much going to heaven, it's about what we' re doing on our way there because the trip is very, very important."


How is your trip going? What are you busy with as you go along each day? What are your thoughts when you first get up and when you lie down? What are you talking about when you sit at home or when you walk along the road? How would you assess your life? Does your daily journey include walking and talking with Jesus? Is your life defined by peace in your home, your marriage, your friendships, your work place?

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