Our Leadership
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller
Our Deacons:
-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill
Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome
Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.
We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults.
We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade
Sunday Bible Class 9:30
Topic: Ecclesiastes Words Of the Wise
Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM
Free! Drive-Up Hot Meals & Pantry Available!
Free Clothing - (Minute Message)
Yesterday, August 20, our church opened the doors to anyone needing free clothes. We wanted everyone who came to take as much as they wished. This ministry was born out of a recognition that many in our community were not able to provide for their family. It has grown because of great people who had a heart to help others.
We have received clothing from all around the county and some of it is new. We have been doing this for a number of years and feel blessed that someone was encouraged and lifted up. I know it has been difficult economically in our county. People have been talking about how we have emerged from the recession and that people are finding jobs and buying new homes. However, it appears we have been left behind. There are some good signs appearing on the horizon, but we are still struggling. (Editor's Note: This message is being posted on Sunday, the day after - reports are that the event was heavily attended as it has been each year - indicating the need hasn't lessened at all)
God has called us to be sensitive to those who could use some assistance, and that is what we are trying to do. I pray you will come see us. Feel free to also come and worship with us Sunday. We have Bible study at 9:30 AM, worship at 10:30 AM, evening study at 6 PM. You're always welcome here.
Norm Russell