Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults. We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Revelation
Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

(Drive-Up Meals & Pantry Available!

Articles Hierarchy

Articles: Bulletin Articles

It's In the Details 0(2-23-15)

     The former governor of our state probably will be found guilty of nothing more than not paying attention to details that probably, individually, seemed insignificant but put together brought down his governorship.

     When we look back at history, it is not difficult to find great men and women who saw themselves at the pinnacle of success, but came tumbling down because they ignored the details. The Washington Post stated that, "Obama's inattention to details threatens to derail his legacy." (Oct 30, 2013) Maybe that is what happened to Brian Williams. (See note below article) The one detail he failed to consider was there were others with him who knew the truth about his alleged experience.


There are Biblical characters who failed to pay close attention to some details. Peter did not consider that he had a weakness which had the potential of destroying him. In Galatians 2, Paul opposed him for his hypocrisy. Judas was entangled with worldly pursuit and became a thief.


      We as Christians, need to keep a close watch on ourselves. It is not the big things that destroy people of God, it is the small insignificant things that were allowed to exist. When Jesus told the parable of the sower, Luke informs us that the third soil was where seed fell, had thorns which were allowed to choke out the word. In response to His disciples inquiry as to the meaning of the parable Jesus said that the thorns represent those who have heard and as they go on their way, they are choked with worries, and riches and pleasures of this life. Eventually, the word is crowded out and the soil fails to produce fruit.


     In my experiences, people who have turned away from God have done so gradually. First it is a small thing such as not being in church on a regular basis, maybe they have ceased praying or communing with God. Maybe it was some discouragement or some other issue. These are not the things that cause people to leave God. It is the relationship with God that has been left unattended that has brought about the fall. If we spend as little effort in maintaining our relationship with our spouses, our marriage is in serious trouble. Marriages don't just suddenly end and neither do people just suddenly stop being a disciple of Jesus. It is the inattention to the details.


How well are you paying attention?
Norm Russell


(Editor's Note: Brian Williams is an NBC News reporter in the United States who has been very popular for many years... that is, until he was recently caught in a number of lies and exaggerations. As of this writing, he's on 6 months of unpaid suspension from his job, and his future looks grim as to whether he'll ever be trusted again)

Turn To God - Sunday Bulletin 3-15-15

     There are numerous people who provide a service for those wishing to know what the future holds for
them. Palm readers, Tarot cards, some who claim to communicate with the dead, and on it goes.


    We might remember that king Saul had gone to the witch of Endor and asked her to call up Samuel, I Samuel 28. All this in direct violation of God's law regarding such a practice (Leviticus 19:31).

    You can rest assured God is still against this practice. It really does not matter if someone could call up
the dead or communicate in some way with those in the spirit world, it is still not to be a part of a child of God's life.

    In Isaiah 8:18-22, God has promised a remnant would return to the promised land. He says in verse 18, "When they say to you consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter, should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?" In Israel's day, the people of God were steeped in idiolatry. God eventually brought Assyria and Babylon to chastise them for their sins.

    Notice especially the words, "Should not a people consult their God"? Why is it Israel could never seem
to learn their lesson regarding the practice of turning to something other than God? Idols could neither see, speak, hear, or smell. They could not come to the aid of those who worshipped them. They were a product of human effort. They became worshippers of stone and wood.

    Sometimes living in America has its drawbacks. We live in a land of plenty, we have learned if we
simply put out enough effort we can solve all of our problems. If we cannot do it ourselves, we know where to go and there is no hesitation on our part. Where is God in all of this?


    For the past several decades, the church who relied on God and His word to lead us, seems to have
turned to something or someone to aid us on our journey. We turn to God when difficulties arise, but only after we have made every attempt to solve it on our own. Thus "All we have left is prayer." becomes our mantra.

    God wants to be our first line of defense, our first responder when we need guidance and comfort. This
will take place when we make prayer our first act when problems arise. When we get into the habit of calling on God, then we will find answers that address the matter in a more Biblically based way, and our faith in God increases.


Norm Russell

Messengers - June 6, 2015

Messengers - By Norm Russell

Upon reading the prophecy of Daniel, I could not help but marvel at this man's relationship with God. In
chapter one he refuses to be contaminated by the food of Babylon. In chapter two he is given insights to the kings dream and again in chapter four. In chapter six he refuses to surrender his faith in God and give
allegiance to the king. He is thrown in the lions den, but was rescued by God. In chapters seven and eight he receives visions and the interpretation of the visions from an angelic messenger. In chapter nine he prays to God. (If you have never read and meditated on that prayer, take the time to do so. It will be time well spent.)

Gabriel is sent to Daniel and he said, "O, Daniel I have come forth to give you insight and understanding, at the beginning of your supplications the command was issued, and I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed . . ." (9:22, 23) In chapters ten through twelve, Daniel continues to receive visions and interpretations.

This is a breath taking Old Testament book. Many have made it their mission to understand the visions
and prophecies Daniel is given and probably the best was Jim McGuiggan. But, beyond that, I do not need to know the meaning to appreciate what took place so many centuries ago. My favorite part was chapter 9:1-23. Daniel is not shy about confessing the sins of his people or that he includes himself in his confession. He knows that what happened to Jerusalem and Samaria were a result of God's people turning away from God and going after idols and forsaking God's law. However, the most fascinating part of chapter nine are the words quoted above "At the beginning of your supplication the command was issued and I have come . . ." I love those words because it says something about God. We pray and wonder if God heard us. Time goes by without an answer and we wonder if God is so removed from us that He cannot feel our pain.

When Gabriel arrived He responded to Daniel's prayer, but not in the way expected. Instead he told
Daniel that the future is going to be a time of upheaval around the world. When you pray, God is listening and in response to your prayers He sends messengers. Those messengers come in different forms and some may be people who you love greatly. He is not leaving you hanging out somewhere and
ignoring your heart felt supplications. Daniel was favored because His life was wrapped up in God and He
would never sell his faith even if it meant losing his life.

Is your life wrapped up in God? Have you turned away from the world and its enticements? Are you
aware that God looks on you with favor? When you pray, be open to God's messengers.


Norm Russell.

Messengers - 6-6-15

Messengers - by Norm Russell

Upon reading the prophecy of Daniel, I could not help but marvel at this man's relationship with God. In
chapter one he refuses to be contaminated by the food of Babylon. In chapter two he is given insights to the kings dream and again in chapter four. In chapter six he refuses to surrender his faith in God and give
allegiance to the king. He is thrown in the lions den, but was rescued by God. In chapters seven and eight he receives visions and the interpretation of the visions from an angelic messenger. In chapter nine he prays to God. (If you have never read and meditated on that prayer, take the time to do so. It will be time well spent.)

Gabriel is sent to Daniel and he said, "O, Daniel I have come forth to give you insight and understanding, at the beginning of your supplications the command was issued, and I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed . . ." (9:22, 23) In chapters ten through twelve, Daniel continues to receive visions and interpretations.


This is a breath taking Old Testament book. Many have made it their mission to understand the visions
and prophecies Daniel is given and probably the best was Jim McGuiggan. But, beyond that, I do not need to know the meaning to appreciate what took place so many centuries ago. My favorite part was chapter 9:1-23. Daniel is not shy about confessing the sins of his people or that he includes himself in his confession. He knows that what happened to Jerusalem and Samaria were a result of God's people turning away from God and going after idols and forsaking God's law.

However, the most fascinating part of chapter nine are the words quoted above "At the beginning of your
supplication the command was issued and I have come . . ." I love those words because it says something about God. We pray and wonder if God heard us. Time goes by without an answer and we wonder if God is so removed from us that He cannot feel our pain. When Gabriel arrived He responded to Daniel's prayer, but not in the way expected. Instead he told Daniel that the future is going to be a time of upheaval around the world.


When you pray, God is listening and in response to your prayers He sends messengers. Those
messengers come in different forms and some may be people who you love greatly. He is not leaving you
hanging out somewhere and ignoring your heart felt supplications. Daniel was favored because His life was wrapped up in God and He would never sell his faith even if it meant losing his life.

Is your life wrapped up in God? Have you turned away from the world and its enticements? Are you aware that God looks on you with favor? When you pray, be open to God's messengers.


Norm Russell.

Test bulletin article

Yup! You guessed it from the title, didn't you? This is just a cleverly disguisded test message.



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