Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults.

We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30
Topic: Ecclesiastes Words Of the Wise

Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

Free! Drive-Up Hot Meals & Pantry Available!

"Rose-colored Glasses" -

"Rose-colored Glasses" -

        Have you ever come across someone who looked at life through rose-colored glasses? This person is an eternal optimist, and nothing negative appears to them as it really is.  I like being around such people and I have a friend who lives up north who is extremely optimistic no matter the situation. In a world where there is so much “bad news,” it is encouraging to find someone who simply sees things differently.  However, is it possible that always looking at life through lenses of optimism a reality?  Ignoring reality hinders us from actively pursuing solutions to our situation.


        The nation of Israel was steeped in sin but because the temple was still standing in Jerusalem they believed all was well with God.  However, God through His prophet told them they were foolish thinking that way and He sent them off to live in a foreign land.  Today, many are like Israel, honestly believing that all is well with God, when all is not well.  We need to open up our Bibles and take a serious look at how we measure up to what God has written, and be honest with ourselves.


Please come and worship with us on Sunday, and remember: EVERYONE is welcome here!

--Norm Russell


Bulletin Articles Now Online

Bulletin Articles Now Online

     TWO of Norm's bulletin articles from this week and last week's church bulletin titled "Teach Anyway" and "Fences" are available now in the "Bulletin Articles" section. Just click "Bulletin Articles" on this left-side navigation menu (Or click RIGHT HERE) to be taken to it and other previous articles. It's a great encouragement, please take time to read it. We post them here on a regular basis, but only post those written by Norm in respect of the copyrights of others.

Living Eternally - Minute Message 2-20-16

Living Eternally - Minute Message 2-20-16

     The death of Justice Scalia has certainly ignited a fire storm.  People are demanding that a new justice be named immediately and others are resisting because we are in an election year.  It seems that politics is going to rule the day. Someone said recently that when they get to heaven there will be no politicians.  My response was “Thank God.”  One of the great things about living for eternity is that you know no one is going to mess things up in heaven.  There will be no sin, temptation, suffering or campaigns.  What a day it will be when time ceases and God invites His children to join Him.


      In the mean time, how should we live?  Although this may seem like a given, it is not. First, we need to get our focus off the here and now.  When we start living for whatever we can accumulate or experience, life will not be fun.  The only way to really get the most out of life is to live for eternity.


      Second, reach out and help someone along the way.  We live in a world fixated on the self, not for the good of others.  Even the judicial debate has nothing to do with the good of the country, but what is in it for me and my party.  Lets be different, ask God to place someone in your life you can bless and see how blessed you will be.


Please come and worship with us on Sunday, and remember: EVERYONE is welcome here!

--Norm Russell


Granny's Glasses

      A small boy stated that when he got older he wanted to wear glasses just like Granny’s. When asked why, he said it was because she could see things others could not see.  She can see good in a person when everyone else can only see the bad. Smart boy.  How different our world would be if we all saw good in others instead of accentuating that which is negative.  We are in the midst of an election year.  Candidates point out for us all the negatives of their opponent.  Can you imagine how different it would be if we heard one candidate extolling the virtues of another?


       When God looked down from His heaven after Adam and Eve sinned, He saw good in His creation.  Since that time, God has been attempting to bring man back into a relationship with him.  That was the reason Jesus came, lived among us, died on a cross, was buried and rose on the third day.  He did all of this because God saw good in you and me. Since God was able to see good in you, don’t you think it would be appropriate that you look for good in others?  Go put on a pair of Granny’s glasses and begin seeing the good in your wife, husband, children, job, employer, government, and even your worst enemy.  You will be glad you did. 

Please come and worship with us on Sunday, and remember: EVERYONE is welcome here!

--Norm Russell

Did you miss a Sunday Morning Sermon? Get it here!

Did you miss a Sunday Morning Sermon? Get it here!

If you missed a sermon on Sunday morning, you can usually get it here in MP3 format from the Downloads section. Occasionally, a sermon will be missed due to equipment failure or other unforseen events, but most of them are here. If you need a CD version of it to send or share with sombody send me a note and I'll  make arrangements to get it to you. Remember, hundreds more of our sermons dating back several years are available on my other ministry site at  http://www.wordforlife.com . Remember can also download the Bible in MP3 format both there and in the Downloads section on this site. Click RIGHT HERE to be taken to the downloads section.

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