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Topic: Ecclesiastes Words Of the Wise

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Topic: "Prove God's Good And Acceptable And Perfect Will."
Topic: "Prove God's Good And Acceptable And Perfect Will." Written by Apostle Sunday Ayodele, Lagos, Nigeria for Tuesday April 25th 2023.

Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

God's good and acceptable and perfect will is meant to be proved; it is not a subject that is meant to be merely known and understood.

To know and understand the will of God and not engage in proving it is to dwell in willful ignorance.

Willful ignorance will cost you the benefits of the finished work of Christ. It will cut you off from walking in the reality of the life and power your heavenly Father has called you to in Christ.

To prove the will of God is to convert God's plan and purpose for your life to your personal testimony of victorious daily living through the exercise of your faith.

The will of God is threefold in its working - it is good at all times, it is acceptable to all men and it is perfect for every situation.

The will of God is capable of generating any testimony you desire when you enforce it by exercising your faith.

Habitual sinful living, poverty, sickness, diseases, premature death and oppression of devils will reign supreme where the will of God is not being proved.

It takes a mind that is renewed by the truth of God's word to prove God's good and acceptable and perfect will.

It is practically impossible to put your faith to work to enforce God's plan and purpose for your life without having a mind that is renewed by the word of God.

To have a renewed mind you must fill your heart with the word of Christ. You must retain the knowledge of Christ and the wonders of His finished work in your heart.

Having a renewed mind will enable you see all things in the light of how your heavenly Father has made them to be through the redemptive sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Having a renewed mind will cause you to daily walk by faith in the reality and power of life the Lord Jesus Christ secured for you through His blood.

You will delight in thinking thoughts, speaking words and taking steps that align with God's will for you in Christ Jesus when your mind is renewed.

Seeing that you are called in Christ to prove God's good and acceptable and perfect will you owe it to yourself to vigorously engage in renewing your mind with the word of God, today and always.

Think About This:
Joshua 1:8
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Daily Affirmation:
I affirm this day my commitment to daily renew my mind to enable me enforce God's good and acceptable and perfect will for my life through the exercise of my faith. I affirm that my capacity to put my faith to work is a function of how renewed my mind is. I choose to retain God in my knowledge and saturate my mind with the knowledge of who the Lord Jesus Christ is and the wonders of all He has done in me and for me, so I may excel in righteousness and prosper in all my ways through the exercise of my faith, today and always. Amen.

Pray in the Spirit.

Daily Bible Reading:
Philippians chapter 3.

You are blessed beyond measure.
Posted for the author by:
Mark R. Magill
System Administrator
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