Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults. We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Revelation
Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

(Drive-Up Meals & Pantry Available!


Church of Christ

2761 Broadway 
North Bend, OR 97459
Office hours Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - Noon




 Mission Driven Disciples, Serving In Love.



Church Picture

You are all invited - our Sunday Morning Services In person or online!

You are all invited - our Sunday Morning Services In person or online!

ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND OR WATCH ONLINE The Church of Christ at 2761 Broadway in North Bend, Oregon invites everyone to  our worship services EVERY Sunday at 10:30 AM Pacific Time. We also live-stream to YouTube (see links under "Read More below"). This week's lesson (May 5th, 2024)will be given by our resident preaching minister Bryan Johnston entitled "Covenant Renewal" and is based on Deut. 29-30. Summary: Moses has the people remember all that the Lord has done and renew their covenant with him. There is great benefit in faithfulness and repentance. Returning to your vows with God in obedience and committing to the people of God is a practice we should reconfirm, commit to, and care deeply about. Live. Love. Walk. Keep. Hold Fast. Renew. Repent.


To watch the services live at 10:30 AM Pacific Time, CLICK "ONLINE SERVICES" at the top of this page, or this shortlink: www.tinyurl.com/nbcocstream - this takes you to our YouTube channel. If you miss the lesson in person, you can watch it there anytime.Once you arrive on  YouTube, click "LIVE" at top of their listings, as "LIVE on YouTube means "being recorded live now or was in the PAST recorded LIVE."

Note: We start broadcasting announcements at 10:15 in case you need to make any adjustments.
<Click "Read More" right below this line for links & more information>

"The Repair Shop - by Joe Maxwell

"The Repair Shop - by Joe Maxwell

The Repair Shop                                                    
    For months I have been unable to work in my shop (Happy Place), therefore, I watch a lot of shows on the British craftsmen repairing the antique treasured items of the U.K. residents: old clocks, lots of teddy bears, metal works, and toys.
    People bring in these treasured family items, all seemingly ready for the rubbish heap. The craftsmen and women work their magic, and I love to see the “wow” of the owners when they see new toys, bears, paintings, and clocks. Lot of tears, smiles, and hugs.
    Christ has the grandest repair shop of all. I thought of that when I was watching the show. Look at Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
    A lot is not said here! Who is weary and burdened? Loss of a spouse after fifty years, a child killed, hearing the dreaded C word. This is all of us, and I am so happy and blessed that Christ gave us the Comforter when he ascended. I need repairing!
                                             I love you, Joe                                        -315-



DID YOU NOTICE THE "FORUMS" LINK? It's at the top of the page where you can go to read lots of devotional and other encouraging information. Although some of the articles are quite old, their value is priceless, judging by the  fact that many have been read 5,000-10,000 times! The newest Forum is "DEVOTIONALS FROM ALL OVER" where I am collecting devotionals written by local people (and others) to encourage us in our walk with God. If you would like to become a contributor to the Forums, you can either request "active membership" in the website or just send them to me. We would love to have your contributions. The only reason regular membership has been disabled is to control spamming. Besides, everything is free access anyway. Either click "CONTACT US" at the top and type in your item you want to share, or email it to mark@churchofchristnb.com - Got a question for us to answer? Click CONTACT US at the top.

NEW SHORTCUT FOR VIDEOS - https://tinyurl.com/nbcocstream

NEW SHORTCUT FOR VIDEOS - https://tinyurl.com/nbcocstream

Hey Everyone: I've created a new shortcut that will -always- take you to our YouTube Channel / Live-Stream collection at YouTube.com. It works on any device and is https://tinyurl.com/nbcocstream - Here is a clickable version you can try out: https://tinyurl.com/nbcocstream and see how it works if you like. So if for some reason I get behind posting links, that one will always work. When you arrive at our YouTube site, be sure to click "LIVE" at the top of its screen, as LIVE refers to everything that IS OR WAS recorded live. A little confusing..  :-)

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