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Minister: Bryan Johnston
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Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
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Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Revelation
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"Disciples" - by Norm Russell
Mark Magill
Anyone who has heard me preach knows that I make a distinction between being a Christian and being a disciple. The term "Christian" has been so corrupted by a thoughtless society, that the real meaning is no longer applicable.

The word Christian was formed after the Roman style, signifying an adherent of Jesus. It is found three times in Scripture Acts 11:26; 26:28 and I Peter 4:16. This was not considered to be a favorable term. Tacitus, a Roman historian wrote at the end of the first century "The vulgar call them Christians. The author or origin of this denomination, Christus, had in the reign of Tiberius, been executed by the Procurator, Pontius Pilate." It was not until the second century that the term Christian was embraced as a title of honor. But what of being a disciple of Jesus? Discipleship is what we strive for. But, would we know what being a disciple of Jesus is about? Would we know a disciple if we saw one? Let me suggest some characteristics of what a disciple is:

A disciple is one whose life is wrapped up in becoming like Jesus.
A disciple is one who seeks God's truth for their life.
A disciple is one who bears much fruit for God (John 15).
A disciple is one who loves others (John 13).
A disciple is one who is obedient to God in all things.
A disciple is one who recognizes God's sovereignty over their life.

These all may appear to be rather lofty goals, but let's face it, Jesus never made any promise that being a disciple of His would be a walk in the park. Some have become discouraged and given up making any effort to following the Lord. However, what option do we have? God has already told us that to be in heaven requires that we follow Jesus Christ. If heaven is to be our goal, then we cannot quit.

God has not called us to perfection. He has called us to faithfulness. Faithfulness implies that we keep our focus on eternity. We will fall. Even those who walked with Jesus made some serious mistakes. There were times when Jesus rebuked them sharply for their actions, but they never ceased to be His disciples. God is interested in the direction of the heart, not momentary acts of disobedience.

I pray we will strive to be a disciple of Jesus during these turbulent times. He will guide us through.
Norm Russell
-Posted by Mark R. Magill, Website Manager
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