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Keep It In Context! - by Norm Russell
Mark Magill
"Keep it in Context" - bulletin article 6/11/16

The other day I was reading a piece in preparation for the lesson on Sunday and I noticed that the author had injected some error in his writings regarding God's sovereignty. He referred to a passage that at face value appeared to support his position. However after further examination it was obvious he failed to keep the passage in its context.

Many books have been written on how to study the Bible, and they are extremely helpful to the student who reads and wrestles with what God has said. I am thankful that people read their Bible and I wish more did so. Having said that, always remember to keep a passage in its context. Failure to do that will create enormous problems for you.

Context is the one most important rule of Bible study. Context defines words and concepts. Take for instance the passage referred to above. The verse he selected to prove his point was Romans 9:16. The passage reads "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." From this he sets out the doctrine of God predetermining who He will save and who He will not.

Context works something like this: Read the passage above the verse and read the passage below the verse. Then read the whole chapter to determine the subject matter of the author. It might even be necessary to read the whole letter so you can understand why the writer is even sending the letter.

In connection to the above passage Paul is writing a letter to the Romans. In chapter nine he is speaking of God making choices that will fulfill His purpose. In the piece I was reading the author injected a word in the verse that is absent from the text. He wrote, "So then it (salvation) does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." This verse would support his understanding if the word in parenthesis was actually in the text. But it is not. God's purpose is what is under discussion (verse 11).

There is great tragedy awaiting the person who ignores the context of a passage. In doing so many are lead astray and are encouraged to believe something that God opposes. Had the writer simply read the whole ninth chapter of Romans, he would have avoided making the mistake.

May God bless you as you continue searching the scriptures and always remember the first rule of Bible study is CONTEXT.

Norm Russell
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