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Don't Laugh - A Big Message From A Short Book
Mark Magill
Don't Laugh (Written by Norm Russell)

I suppose that few people have spent much time reading and studying the prophet Obadiah. He appears to be a prophet of God in about the 9th century B.C. (around 845 B.C.) He was God's messenger to the people of Edom. Those people were descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob, who sold his birthright for a bowel of food. Though Esau and Jacob appear to have reconciled, (Genesis 33) those who were his descendants were not so gracious. From this short book, we find those dwelling in Edom cheering Israel's enemy on, wanting to see Jerusalem destroyed and the city plundered. (read verses 10-11) Their bitterness and hatred for Israel had so
consumed them that when their relatives were attacked they cheered.

Human relationships are such that often when disagreements emerge or when rivalry escalates, people become angry and, even at times, vindictive. Some will even go so far as to laugh or even cheer when their opponent meets some tragic circumstance. We look at our nation, divided ideologically, and we see those who are of one party or ideology, actually wanting to see those that they differ with destroyed.

It would be wise for all of us to do a thorough evaluation of our attitudes and conduct toward those who think differently than we do. Being empathetic to others does not give sanction to someone's way of life and neither does it approve behavior that is in conflict with God's word.

My suggestion to each of us, when it comes to dealing with those who are determined to make life difficult is to first of all pray for yourself. Pray about your own attitude and mind set. This should be first in all things. Pray God will give you wisdom, patience, and a heart that can feel for others.

Secondly, pray for those who have damaged you and ask God to bless them abundantly with a spirit of understanding and a heart that can be touched. And when you see them going through hard times, pray even harder for them. Lift their name before the throne of the Sovereign Lord who may well be the reason they are suffering so.

By all means, I encourage you to refrain from celebrating their suffering. God tells Edom " . . . As you have done it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head." (verse 15) We say the same thing when we tell someone "What goes around comes around."

Read this short book, I think you will be blessed by what the prophet of God said some 3,000 years ago.
Norm Russell
-Posted by Mark R. Magill, Website Manager
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