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Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
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Persecution - by Norm Russell - April 5th Bulletin Article.
The governor of Indiana signed a bill allowing for the refusal of services to those who practice a life style that is considered immoral by others on religious grounds. If one owns a bakery and a **** couple come in wanting a cake for their wedding and if the owner's faith deems this immoral, than they can refuse to fill the couples request.

Several are calling for a repeal of the law and others are saying we need to allow people of faith to exercise their faith as they see it. Last night on Fox News, preachers were encouraged to speak out on this violation of religious freedom.

When Jesus was here, He called people to be His followers and He had this to say "In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33. In Luke 9:23 "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me."

The church of Jesus Christ came into the world at a time when it was not very popular to be a Christian. You will recall that Peter, Paul and others were severely persecuted for preaching the gospel. In Acts 7 we find Stephen put to death because of his faith. Granted Paul at Phillippi challenged the chief magistrates for having beaten him without a trial which was in violation of Roman law, but other than that the apostles and many Christians were severely persecuted for their faith.

We fast forward several hundred years and we find people who were persecuted getting into a ship and coming to a land no one knew anything about. America was born out of religious persecution. The founding fathers attempted to keep that from ever happening again by writing the first amendment to the constitution which says "Congress will make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Here we are nearly 250 years later and we find people of faith being forced to do something that is
against their religious convictions.

What are people of God to do in such cases? First it is essential we spend much time in prayer. We have no idea what God is doing, but what is happening may very well be a work of God. Second, let us protest with restraint and civility. God will never bless actions that call for some civil disobedience or demonstration and conduct unbecoming of a person who is following God. Thirdly, obey the law as Paul calls us to do in Romans 13:1-7. If obedience to the law violates matters of faith, then peaceably decline to do so. There may be consequences, but God is still in control.

Let us never take our eyes off of eternity. We will be victorious.

Norm Russell
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Mark R. Magill
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