Our Leadership

Minister: Bryan Johnston
Our Elders:
-Mike Lee
-Timm Slater
-Tracy Mueller

Our Deacons:

-Terry Sacket
-Garrett Sherrill

Worship Schedule: Everyone Welcome

Bible Study 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM.
Worship is also live-streamed.

We have age-level classes for Cradle Roll, Youth, Jr./Sr. high school and Adults.

We also offer Jr. Worship service for children up to 5th grade

Sunday Bible Class 9:30
Topic: Ecclesiastes Words Of the Wise

Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11:00 AM

Free! Drive-Up Hot Meals & Pantry Available!

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Deception, it's out there! Mark 13:5-6
Cheryl Owens
And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man decieve you: for many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Thought: That is still true today. We must not just take someone at their word, be it a preacher or an elder or teacher. We must study the scriptures and make sure what they are telling us or wanting us to do is truly God's will and not theirs. It may or may not be on purpose but either way Satan is behind them. Make sure your not!
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